Vacation Hangover

Update Friday, September 2, 2011 at 5:59 PM.
Dalam topik crazy sh*t

Coming down and recovering from a vacation of any sort is always a challenge. It's doubly a challenge when you've spent most of it zipping madly back and forth between family members and activities, and workdays flank leave and return time like bookends.

BUT we're returning to normal. We had a fabulous time in beautiful Canada. E enjoyed his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents very much. William Shatner was seen, maple "weafs" were pointed out repeatedly, art was perused, and wildlife was investigated (bugs are fascinating.) Sleep has also returned to the house thanks to the emergence of one, nasty, stubborn canine. Hallelujah! There are only 3 more to go!

It's always a struggle for me to balance an exciting, busy time with the need to blog. I have such mixed feelings about it. I love when our lives are so full, yet that means when I have the extra time to write, I usually need it to decompress or hell, just sleep instead. That makes me miss blogging. I guess all in all however, that's a pretty awesome conundrum to have.

What about you guys? What things do you drop when you are busy? Would you give up sleep for blogging? Is it the main thing that recharges you?

Next up: we explore some training comments/questions left on the last training post. I want it to be an open forum, so start getting those thinking caps on. I want to do it justice, so it will be done on a day off.

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Vacation Hangover
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