Depressing with a side of funny

Update Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 12:27 PM.
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We're back. My mortgage company is going to, "review the financials," but in short, it's the same. It really doesn't matter to them if we default. We'll see. But enough on that.

Secondly, I forgot to have my thyroid sonogram done. There's a nodule she needs to check. So I have to get on that. My HDL is almost at good levels and my LDL is only 5 points above where it should be. Because of my transgressions though, my triglycerides are again double what they should be. She scared the shit out of me with heart attack talk, and I am now going to try hard to walk the straight and narrow. And for me, the food choices are quite narrow. So I have 5 months to get my butt in gear on this before my next appointment. I'd appreciate any and all encouragement. Having family that rarely makes it past 65 because of heart disease (otherwise trim, active and healthy) is a motivator, but it's still so hard sometimes.

And now for the funny.

E was so good through the appointment and mortgage stuff. At the end, I could tell he was uncomfortable in a dirty diaper, but we couldn't change it right then. At the very end, he couldn't contain himself and started grunting and straining loudly. He replied to my, "What are you doing E?" with


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Depressing with a side of funny
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