In this vein, I've accomplished most of one number on my Goals for the Year! I got my new Clinique skin care for the aged. OK.. so I'm not so aged, but my skin is showing signs of heading there. But I love it! I've also gotten a new pair of jeans that actually fit. They aren't even hand me downs! I exchanged something at Target and got them instead. I also found a consignment shop I loved and bought an adorable Ann Taylor shirt for $10 (I will be visiting again!) and found a Groupon Now deal for a great haircut at a really good salon! I look and feel so much better. It feels so good to be indulging me a little bit again. My priorities are still so much different than before E, and it's ok with me, but I have to start taking better care of myself again. And it's coming. It feels so good to have more of me back. Damn IF for robbing me of years I could have procreated so that I could have been at this spot earlier with maybe two children. Ah well. I can't say I'm not happy, so it all worked out in the end.
What's up with you all?
Taking Care of Myself
Update Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 12:44 PM. by Fertility Challenged in Florida
Dalam topik happy times
Dalam topik happy times
I type this as I sit here feeling guilty that I took a half day at work and left E in daycare at a time when he's seemed particularly needy with me. At the same time though, I realize that I need time just to myself now and then. I have so little time with just my own thoughts. Some people don't need that down time but I do. I don't need it very often from my wonderful offspring, but every now and then, I just need some cerebral space. Don't get me wrong. I'm still picking him up early so he can benefit today too. Part of leaving early today was giving him a break from the grind as well. But this is me time. It's so interesting... this push me pull me part of motherhood. On one hand, I'm reveling in the pure bliss of the quiet. On the other, I'm missing E and wanting to kiss his sweet face. It's just that the quiet is slightly winning out at the moment.